
TruckSuite leverages The Whann Group’s robust iComply Pro technology platform to deliver best-in-class products and services to the commercial trucking industry.

Information, including video and audio streaming, can be presented in a live connected session to a customer on their phone. Once finished, the presentation materials along with any related transactional documents are all date and time stamped and uploaded to the server.

The platform’s features include: product launch and employee training functionality, point of sale presentations, ability to engage in e-commerce transactions, third party portal integration, Virtual F&I and the Live Concierge.

The platform also has an accompanying mobile app and is fully customizable to accommodate products and services offered by third party providers.

Trucksuite: We’re here when you need us most!

The services and information you need whenever you need it.
Delivered to your phone live, in real time, 24/7.
Just push the button!

Available on both
iOS and Android!

Download the TruckSuite Mobile App

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